Dentistry for you

Foundation training

Foundation training

In the UK newly qualified dentists are advised to obtain as wide an experience in all aspects of dentistry before considering further study or specialist training. This experience should, if possible include general dentistry in addition to working possibly in a junior hospital appointment or the salaried dental service.

Foundation training (FT) has been considered a part of general professional training (GPT), which is undertaken in the two years following graduation from dental school and obtaining a primary dental degree. GPT is a broad-based clinical experience in NHS dentistry. It may include experience in general practice, the community dental service (salaried services) and hospital dentistry. The two years spent in GPT helps to prepare young dentists for examinations such as the MFDS or MJDF and for careers in primary dental care or specialist training.

During vocational training, one year is spent in an approved dental practice with a trainer, who is an experienced dental practitioner.

Several of our dentists have been selected as Educational Surpervisors by Health Education England within the London, Kent, Surrey & Sussex Region. Please see below our practices we currently offer Foundation Training at.

Foundation training is also important because in order to be on an NHS Primary Care Trust dental list as a ‘performer’ a dentist must have either a FT number, or show they have received experience or training equivalent to FT or be exempt from FT.

Further information can be found from your local Postgraduate Dental Deanery. Details can be found at:

Foundation Training Equivalence

At present FT posts are in huge demand, as over the last few years the number of FT places has only been slightly more than the number of dentists graduating from UK dental schools. Given the additional overseas trained dentists passing the IQE/ORE examinations, it is evident that there are not enough FT training posts to accommodate all dentists wishing to take up one of these posts.

Overseas qualified dentists will have already been alerted to this fact by the warning on the GDC website that passing the ORE does not guarantee a job in the NHS and the notice on the NACPDE website advising how difficult it is now to find employment in the NHS.

Equivalence is decided by PCTs in collaboration with postgraduate dental deaneries.

Those dentists who have not completed Foundation Training, or who are not exempt from Foundation Training, will need to demonstrate equivalence to FT training.

Some dentists may be able to obtain equivalence by undergoing a period of supervised Foundation Training while they demonstrate or acquire further competencies or experience. This period of training is determined by the Postgraduate Deanery and can be undertaken within an appropriate workplace.

Dr Esmail Harunani and Dr Murtaza Kanani are both FT Equivalence trainers of overseas trained dentists, who have passed the IQE/ORE examinations respectively.

We offer Foundation Training Equivalence at many of our practices. Please email for more information.


Practices we currently offer Foundation Training at

reception at Forest Hill dental care

Forest Hill Dental

- London -

Eastbourne dental clinic reception

Eastbourne Dental Care

- East Sussex -

Riverview Dental Centre

- East Sussex -

North Chailey Dental

- East Sussex -

Brixton dental care entrance

Brixton Dental Care

- London -

Patient satisfaction is very important to us

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